
Concrete Demolition Saw available in Australia – DIY Tools

The CSX75 Concrete Demolition Saw can power through virtually any material, including driveways, brick, asphalt, stone, cinder block, paths, tiles, stonework, and pavers. The CSX75 will quickly and accurately slice through even the densest materials with ease, and it can cut through concrete.

Full of features, the CSX75 is built to last and uses a Pro Dual Roller Guide Casters to produce smooth straight cuts. Furthermore, providing firm grip handles an adjustable blade guard. And the ability to accept a full range of industry-standard Diamond and Masonry Blades.

Wet Cutting System (also known as “wet cutting”):

Using a concrete  saw to cut through brick, tile, asphalt, and other similar materials creates airborne dust and RCS (Respirable Crystalline Silica) particles. Its direct hose water inlet tube is equipped, which promotes a more modern approach to power cutting and, as a result, eliminates the need for an RCS.

Checklist to Complete Before Using

Ensure that you follow all of the procedures outlined below before starting the engine or operating the equipment. Failure to adhere to the checklist and carry out the processes properly may void the product warranty. When working with cutting wheels, make sure to wear appropriate protective gloves.

Assembly is limited to installing the cutting wheel and nothing else. Before starting the assembly process, unpack all components and double-check that all parts have arrived.

Filter for the air

Furthermore, air filters prevent dirt from entering the engine and causing internal damage to the engine’s internal components. Before starting the engine, make sure the air filter is in good working order. Maintaining the air filter is critical. 


For best engine performance, use non-ethanol unleaded petrol mixed at a 50:1 ratio with 2-stroke engine oil (higher RON values and high-quality 2-stroke oil will provide the best engine performance). Do not use fuel/oil that is old or contaminated.

Anode (spark plug)

There’s a possibility that the spark plug will become disconnected from the spark plug lead. Then, with the electrical lead placed over the spark plug terminal and pushed down, the spark plug terminal will be securely connected to the electrical lead, as shown.

Tension on the drive belt

Maintaining proper drive belt tension is critical to maximising machine efficiency, extending service life, and ensuring operator safety. If you notice the cutting wheel stopping or a noticeable belt slippage while operating the machine, stop immediately and instantly adjust the belt’s tension.

Engine Choke Position: If the engine is cold, place the choke in the “COLD” position before starting it. You should engage the “RUN” position if the engine is hot or has a high ambient temperature.

Starting the engine: Turn the engine ON/OFF switch to the “ON” position.

START – Before pulling the starter cord, ensure that the machine is on the ground and steady. Thus, one foot on the rear handle and one hand gripping the top handle. Then turn on the engine. Begin by slowly pulling out the starter cord until you can feel it connecting with the machine, then rapidly pull it out. Allow the starter cord to rewind slowly – do not allow it to “snap” back into place. Pulling the starter cord several times may be necessary to draw fuel into the carburettor when starting the engine. As soon as the engine begins to “sputter” or “kick,” place it in the “RUN” position and squeeze the throttle once before releasing it. Then repeat the process from step 3 until the engine is completely dead.

Warm-Up: Allow the engine to warm up and run smoothly before continuing. To use a choke, slowly move the choke to its “RUN” position by pulling on the choke handle. With some models, when squeezing the throttle, the throttle position is automatically changed from “OFF” to “RUN.”

Operation of a Concrete Saw

Concrete saws are high-speed, fast-cutting equipment with exposed blades. Some activities can result in severe or fatal injuries if not used correctly or without proper safety precautions. Before using the equipment, you must read and comprehend the information. In this section and all other safety warnings/recommendations and usage instructions.

When working with the machine, wear appropriate protective clothing and equipment. Before each use, thoroughly inspect the device to look for signs of wear or damage. If the saw is damaged, take it to an authorised service centre for inspection and repair.

Suppose you notice excessive vibration from the machine while it is in operation. In that case, this could indicate wear or damage to the device. We recommend that you have it inspected and repaired before using it once more. Keep in mind that the cutting wheel will begin to rotate once the engine is running, and some parts of the machine may become extremely hot. Before using the device, check that the installation of the cutting wheel is correct. The drive belt is tensioned correctly, and the cutting guard installation has occurred.


Kick-back is a reactionary force that causes the cutting wheel to rotate up and back in the opposite direction of the cut. Thus, causing the saw to suddenly and quickly turn back towards the operator. Kickback can be described as the cutting wheel’s “kickback zone”, “digging in” to the object to be cut. It was possibly causing the wheel to stop or significantly slow its rotation momentarily.

To avoid kickback, do not cut with the cutting wheel’s tip or allow it to come into contact with any object while operating the machine.

When operating the machine, make sure to hold it firmly by both the front and rear handles. Maintain the sharpness of the cutting wheels and the correct cutter shape and cutting depth.

Use the Concrete Demolition Saw in no way that prevents it from being securely held with both hands or prevents the entire machine from being visible to the operator.

When inserting the saw into a previous cut, proceed with extreme caution. Keep an eye out for any forces that could pinch the cutting wheel.


A reactionary force that causes the saw to pull forwards in the direction of the cut (referred to as “pull-in”). Thus, causing the cutting wheel to momentarily stop or significantly slow its rotation, causing the saw to suddenly and quickly pull forwards and away from the operator. Pull-in can also be thought of as the bottom of the cutting wheel becoming caught, pinched, or “digging in“.

To avoid pull-in, make sure that the cut’s position concerning the workpiece is such that it does not close. Utilise supports to keep cuts from closing in on themselves and encircling the cutting wheel.

Basic Cutting Guidelines

The following information is general guidelines for

concrete saw use:

  1. Be alert to kick-back dangers at all times.
  2. Do NOT “plunge” cut or attempt deep, single-pass cuts.
  3. Keep the cutting guard as far forward (covering the cutting wheel) as practical.
  4. Always cut with the cutting wheel vertical (90° to the workpiece).
  5. Make minor depth cuts, moving the saw back and forth through the amount, gradually increasing depth.


Discs and wheels for cutting

In addition to diamond-coated toothed steel, you can use two types of cutting wheels.

  1. Synthetic resin abrasive discs and diamond coated synthetic resin abrasive discs.
  2. If the saw’s speed rating is 5100RPM or 90m/s, you should never use a cutting wheel with a lower speed rating.
  3. Never use a cutting wheel to cut through non-listed materials.
  4. Only use replacement blades that have been recommended or provided by the manufacturer.

Types of Abrasive Materials

Generally, abrasive discs are fibreglass with the construction of the cutting material or abrasive grit, which bonds the disc during manufacturing. The type and hardness of the bonding agent also play a role in cutting performance. Cutting discs that are “soft” cut more quickly but wear out more quickly. “Hard” discs cut slower but last longer than “soft discs’.

  1. When working with abrasive cutting wheels, do not use water cooling.
  2. Allowing synthetic resin cutting wheels to be exposed to water or moisture is not recommended. Thus, due to the potential of absorbing moisture and can become unbalanced if any moisture is absorbed.
  3. To use a cutting disc, make sure it is free of damage such as cracks or chips. If this is not the case, the disc may be damaged or unbalanced. To test whether the disc “rings,” insert your finger through the spindle hole and lightly tap the disc’s outer edge with a piece of wood – the disc should “ring.”
  4. It is not possible to “sharpen” abrasive discs.

Types of Diamonds

Mounting the cutting wheel on a steel platter with “teeth” cut into the outer edge is expected in the industry. This item has diamond grit adhered to the outer edge and teeth, visible in the picture above. If the cutting wheel’s diamond edge isn’t visible, it must replace the cutting wheel. Generally speaking, diamond cutting wheels have a long service life if used and maintained correctly. For tradies who have no access to a water supply, lift the wheel from the cut every 30 seconds and allow it to spin in the air for 10 seconds to cool.


Cutting metals with diamond cutting wheels should never be attempted!

Always double-check that the cutting wheel’s rotational direction is the same as the saw’s. Ensure that diamond cutting wheels are constantly lubricated with water while in use. Connect the coolant tube to an appropriate water supply and use it to keep the cutting wheel lubricated.

It is essential not to apply excessive downward pressure to the cutting edges because this can cause them to become dull. By melting the metallic bond over the diamond grit, diamond cutters can become dull. Sharpening a soft cutting wheel involves making several cuts into a piece of “diamond dressing stone,” fire-brick. Thus, other suitably abrasive material grinding away the metallic bond and re-exposing a diamond grit surface.


The preventative maintenance checks and necessary maintenance tasks and the frequency they should perform a maintenance schedule activity. Regular inspections and maintenance ensure that the machine operates at peak efficiency. The program applies to several engines; however, some devices may not include specific components, so keeping on those components will not be necessary.

Maintenance Schedule Refer to the maintenance schedule provided below for a list of regular maintenance tasks and the frequency. Keep track of how frequently the machine is used and adhere to the program according to the time or the amount of usage, whichever occurs first. The average amount of usage determines the frequency of maintenance.

In this document, you will find a form that you can use to keep track of your maintenance activities. We recommend that you record all of your repairs and maintenance.

Safety of the Equipment

The use of concrete saws is high-speed, fast-cutting equipment with exposed blades. Such actions can result in severe or fatal injuries if not used correctly or without proper safety precautions. Before using the equipment, you must read and comprehend the information contained in this section. With all other safety warnings/recommendations and usage instructions.


Suppose you are unfamiliar with the operation of a concrete saw. Its strongly recommended that you be trained or instructed by someone who is suitably qualified or experienced before using the machine. Don’t operate the machine if you are tired or influenced by any substance (medication, alcohol, drugs) that may impair your senses. When operating or handling the device, always keep your feet on the ground and your balance in check. Be fully aware of your surroundings and any potential hazards. Because of the vibration, prolonged use may result in health complications such as carpal tunnel syndrome (carpal tunnel syndrome). Furthermore, wearing gloves, taking frequent breaks, keeping fingers and hands warm, and maintaining the equipment to ensure optimal operation and minimal vibration.


If you experience numbness or burning sensations in your fingers or hands, seek medical attention. Wearing appropriate clothing and protective equipment is required for all operators and assistants.

  1. Wear approved safety goggles or glasses with adequate top and side protection. Additionally, wearing a full-face shield is highly recommended in addition to eye protection.
  2. Protect your hearing by wearing appropriate hearing protection.
  3. Use only respiration equipment and heavy-duty leather or protective gloves.
  4. Wear heavy-duty safety boots with steel toecaps and non-slip soles. Thus, wearing overalls or work clothing fits snugly but does not restrict movement. Avoid wearing loose-fitting clothing, scarves, jewellery, and other accessories, and keep long hair contained to avoid being caught or pulled by the machine, among other things.

Safety in the Workplace

Avoid contact with underground power lines at all costs – it could be fatal if you get too close. Contact the appropriate utilities authority and other relevant parties to ensure that the machine is safe.

The abrasive cutting action of the machine can generate dust and vapours, both of which may contain hazardous substances. Before cutting, determine the material’s nature, and always wear the proper dust mask or respirator equipment. Operators should maintain a 10m (30′) distance between anyone other than the operator, any assistants, and the equipment used.

Be aware of the potential for a fire resulting from machines. Check to see that the machine exhaust and spark arrestor (if equipped) are in good working order. The engine is tuned correctly before operating. Outdoors is the only place to refuel. Start the machine at least 3 metres (10 feet) away from where refuelling occurs. Prevent the spilling of fuel. Avoid using the engine if the throttle, safety guards or mechanisms, or other machine part is incorrect.

Fully comprehend the safe operation of the machine and the sawing process to avoid “kick-back.” During operation, always maintain a firm grip on the machine with both hands. Always operate the device with the handles. Please do not use the equipment for purposes other than those designed uses.

Keeping Everyone Safe on the Roads

Turn off the engine before transporting or working on the machine (refuelling, adjusting. When transporting the machine in a vehicle, please turn it off completely. Maintaining the device in an upright position will help to prevent tipping, machine damage, and fuel spills from occurring.

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