Bushfires are common incidents in Australia, and when they come, they find most people unprepared. As a result, experts tend to offer fire warnings before they happen. Knowing the conditions that can facilitate to bushfire incidents, however, can be the best way to prevent the danger from happening. So, the questions is, will a Fire Danger Index Calculator & BOM provide you with relevant and important fire Weather info – read the following and make an assessment?
The problem is, not many people know what to look out for in assessing the possibility of a bushfire happening. If you reside in Australia and wish to understand about bom fire weather, then you have come to the right page.
In this article, we discuss some of the factors that result in fire behavior, how to observe fire warnings, and what you can do when there are chances of a fire outbreak. Read through the text for a chance to grasp a better understanding
Depending on the area of your residence, you’ll experience fire outbreaks at different times of the year. Note that, it’s possible that fire can break at any time of the year, but every region has a fire season. Northern Australia has its fire season during the winter and spring periods.
On the other hand, the southern region experiences bushfire during the autumn and summer seasons. Therefore, you should consider learning about the fire season in the area of your residence.
Low Humidity | | Prelonged Drought | |
Strong Winds | | Lightening |
Several factors contribute to fire outbreaks in Australia including
When the humidity level is low, there are higher chances of having a fire outbreak. When the relative humidity is below 20%, grass and tree branches dries more quickly, making them more flammable. In case of lightning, or someone drops a cigarette, a fire will start and spread wide.
Drought means hot sunshine that dries the grass and the trees. Dry grass and wood are excellent fire fuels. Once a small fire starts, it becomes easy for the light to spread widely and destroy properties worth millions.
The wind carries with it oxygen, a gas needed to keep the fire burning. Stronger wings bring in more oxygen which results in intense flames. The wind also carries more flames, enhancing a quick spread of the fire. Strong wind can even carry burning branches of trees, and drop them in other areas. That means a new fire starts making it difficult for firefighters to fight the fire at ease. High-speed wind, however, helps to reduce the spread of the fire. The wind will also keep changing the direction of the fire. Changing the directions spreads the fire in all sides, making it hard to deal with the situation.
When thunderstorms happen, they create lightning which can facilitate to fire outbreaks. It’s a common source of bushfire within the Australian continent. The Winds that come during thunderstorms make it even harder to predict the fire behaviours. If the fire is massive, it can also build up its storms.
Much arises as a result of the hot air above the fire and its heat. When the wind and the heat combine, they form water droplets that condense to form pyrocumulonimbus. The cloud causes erratic currents that result in lightning strikes which can facilitate to new fires.
Other causes of fire outbreaks include vast dry vegetation and high temperatures
Experts will always offer warnings when they predict any fire-weather conditions. The two work together intending to keep the community informed. They use different fire ratings when communicating the probability of having a fire outbreak. The information helps to keep the population at the guard of their homes. Some of the standard scores include; catastrophic, extreme, severe, very high, and low moderate. Catastrophic represents the most dangerous level, while the low-moderate is the least risky. At the higher levels, when a fire starts, it spreads faster, making it hard to control and put it out. That means, the community should leave their homes early in cases of high fire weather conditions. You can consider using the following link to learn more about fire weather warnings, http://www.bom.gov.au/?ref=hdr.
Always have a fire plan if you live in areas that face fire outbreaks. In this way, you have ideas on what to do in case there is a bushfire. Always keep a close follow-up on a weather station so that you stay informed about the weather situation. Also, when the fire is more likely to happen, stay in touch with the local fire management agent. You can follow this service provides on social media or websites. Also, have the escape route where you can keep your family safe from the fire. Make a step of learning about fire fighting skills if you plan to save your home. Ensure that you all the gadgets with you to keep off the fire from reaching your home.
Bush fire can be extremely dangers, and you can lose your life as you try to fight from reaching your home. Therefore, learn when the condition is stronger than you can handle and run for your life. Also, make it the priority to keep your life safe. Make sure that they vacate the home early before the area becomes foggy with the smoke. These are a few of the techniques that you can observe to keep your family out of fire reach.
The above are factors that can result in a bushfire. These factors are environmental, and therefore, making it hard to fight chances of a fire occurring in Australia. There are, however, several experts that will help to fight fire when it happens.
In conclusion, predicting the probability of a fire outbreak is, however, the best way to avoid severe destruction from bushfire. Communities should, therefore, consider following the accessible weather stations in their states for a chance to stay up to date concerning the issue. Learning about things to do when there are chances of a fire outbreak in your area is also a better way to protect personal properties. Don’t risk your life if the fire is beyond your control.
Name: STG Fire Rescue & Safety
Address: Queensland, Australia
Phone: (03) 9005 1767